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Pregnancy chiropractic consultation

Pregnancy Care

During pregnancy, your body is rapidly growing and changing, which places new stresses on not only your spine and pelvis but also your nervous system.

Why choose chiropractic care during your pregnancy?

Better positioning for delivery and a quicker, more comfortable labor are just a few of the reasons why women turn to chiropractic care during pregnancy. The Webster Technique centers on applying strategic, gentle pressure to the pelvis, which restores alignment and causes the uterus to relax. As a result, baby can find more room to turn head down and mom can find greater comfort. Feeling good during pregnancy can help mom keep up her normal routine, exercise regimen, and regular range of motion. All of these factors contribute to a greater chance of delivery with fewer (or no!) medical interventions. Pregnant women around the world who are seeking the best possible chance of reducing discomfort before, during, and after labor, without drugs or surgery, turn to the Webster Technique!

Our Doctors are Webster Certified

Benefits of prenatal chiropractic care include:

Decreased low back and hip pain
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Restore proper balance in pelvis and hips
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Reduced labor pain and delivery time
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Decreased muscle spasms and inflammation
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Improved quality of sleep
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First Time FAQs

  • How long will my first appointment be?
    Your first visit will last about 60 minutes.
  • What is included in my first visit?
    The first visit will give us an opportunity to connect with you, listen to your concerns, and discuss goals for your health. We will conduct a one-on-one consultation to explore the past and current experiences that have contributed to where you are now. You will also receive a full neurological evaluation to help us assess how your spine and nervous system are functioning. If recommended by the doctors, chiropractic postural x-rays will be taken as well.
  • Insurance or No Insurance?
    We are in-network with most major insurance companies. Not sure if chiropractic care is covered by your insurance? We will do a complimentary benefits check for you! No insurance? No problem! We are part of a federal discount program that allows us to legally discount care to help make our services more affordable! No matter what, you will always be informed of any cost prior to receiving a service.
  • What happens next?
    Scheduling the appointment is the first step towards your road to healing. After you submit your appointment request, you will receive a call from our team within 24 hours on business days. Once your appointment date and time are confirmed with a call from our team, you will be instructed how to complete new patient forms prior to your visit. Those forms take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and can be found here. If at any time you have a schedule conflict, please give us a call so we can make accommodations or reschedule your visit. ​
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1413 Grindstone Plaza Dr, Suite 109 Columbia, MO 65201

Office Hours

Monday to Thursday:

10:00 am - 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Select Fridays (Call first):
8:00 am - 10:00 am

Saturday & Sunday:
New Pediatric Patient Form:

Request your first visit

Select an option

Thanks for submitting! Please download and fill out the New Patient forms for your first visit!

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